Aufgrund 100.000 weniger Baubeginne in 2007 im Vergleich zu 2006 werden in Spanien einem Bericht des "Institute for Business Practice" zufolge 200.000 Jobs wegfallen.
Gefunden auf Lyndon LaRouche's Website:
200,000 Jobs Threatened in Spain's Mortgage Crisis
Increase Decrease
September 20, 2007 (LPAC)--The Sept. 18 report issued by Spain's Institute for Business Practice (IPE), that there will be 100,000 fewer housing starts this year than last, is reverberating throughout the construction industry and beyond.
In March of this year, according to the daily ABC, the construction industry association Seopan warned that every 100,000 drop in housing starts would mean the loss of 200,000 jobs. Although using different calculations, IPE arrived at the same conclusion as Seopan, but also elaborated that for every ten houses not built, an investment of one million euros in infrastructure would be required to maintain current levels of employment in the construction industry.
Residential housing construction--speculation--has been a key component of Spain's allegedly "booming" economy. Now, despite claims to the contrary by Premier Rodriguez Zapatero and other business and banking leaders, the mortgage and banking sectors are reeling as a result of the global financial meltdown. 200,000 jobs lost is only the beginning.